Soc. St. 7th Grade - Chapter Seven Questions

7th Grade Soc. St.

Chapter Seven: Empires in India

The following questions are also given as handouts in class.  Students may cut-and-paste the questions into their own word processing document and submit the answers via electronic submissions or as usual in the classroom.

Pg. 232TE: 1 – 3

Please use complete sentences and blue or black ink to answer each question.

1.  How long had Ashoka been emperor before he waged war against Kalinga?

2.  What made Ashoka remember and question the Buddha’s prophecy?

3.  How did Ashoka’s tolerance cross social boundaries?


Pg. 235TE: 1 – 3

Please use complete sentences and blue or black ink to answer each question.

1.  Why would gaining power of Magadha be important?

2.  Use the timeline to determine how long Chandragupta was emperor.

3.  Summarize how Chandragupta controlled his empire. 


Pg. 239TE: 1 – 4

Please use complete sentences and blue or black ink to answer each question.

1.  Examine the painting on page 237.  How does the artist show that this ruler is powerful?

2.  How did Ashoka promote tolerance?

3.  Why were families important in Maurya society?

4.  What changes can a leader make to improve the lives of people today?


Pg. 243TE: 1 – 3

Please use complete sentences and blue or black ink to answer each question.

1.  What happened to India after the collapse of the Maurya empire?

2.  How did Chandra Gupta I build the Gupta empire?

3.  Who made government decisions in the Gupta empire? 


Pg. 244TE: 1 – 4

Please use complete sentences and blue or black ink to answer each question.

1.  LIST the three forms of literature that flourished around the time of the Guptas.

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2.  How did knowledge from Greece and Persia reach India?

3.  What Gupta achievements do historians consider the greatest mathematical advance?

4.  Which achievement from the chart on page 247 is the most impressive to you?  Give a reason to support your thinking.